Bonjour JE VOUS EN PRIS J'AI VRAMENT BESOINS D'AIDE AU PLUS VITE je ne vient jamais sur se site mais la j'en ai vraiment besoins Je suis très reconnaissante a celui ou celle qui m'aidera merci beaucoup(je met tous mes points20) Merci d'avance!!

Réponse :
1. Robert made this T-shirt himself.
2. Lisa did the homework herself.
3. We took some bottles of cola at the party ourselves.
4. Emma, did you take the photo by yourself?
5. I wrote this poem myself.
6. He cut himself with the knife while he was doing the dishes.
7. The lion can defend itself.
8. My mother often talks to herself.
9. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help yourselves.
10. Alice and Doris collected the stickers themselves.
11. You can’t do this for me. I have to do it myself.
12. Why doesn’t she do it herself?
13. He saw himself in the mirror.
14. We can’t di this ourselves.
15. She likes to think of herself as a good person.
16. They talk about themselves all the time.
19. Why are you standing? Find some chairs for yourselves and sit dowwn.
20. I answer all my letters myself.
21. I don’t like them at all. They want everything for themselves.
22. I like to watch myself in the video film.
23. Suze, did you bake the cake yourself?
24. The boys opened the parcels themselves.
25. Susan made a video about cats herself.
26. Bob, can you find the way to the cinema yourself?
27. My father built the tree house himself.
28.The Millers drew all the paintings themselves.
29. Jack’s brother painted the bike himself.
30. « Should I cook the soup? » No, I can do it myself.
31.Why don’t you clean the windows yourself?
Explications :
I —--> myself = (moi-même, me, m')
you — > yourself = (toi-même, te, t')
he ——> himself = (lui-même, se, s')
she ——> herself = (elle -même, se, s')
it ——> itself ( neutre )
we ——> ourselves = (nous-mêmes)
yourselves ---> yourselves = (vous-mêmes)
they ——> themselves = (eux-mêmes)
; )