Bonjour Pouvez vous m aider merci

1 arrested
2 criminal
3 punishment
4 prison
5 speeding
9run away
Réponse :
1. The police ARRESTED him an hour ago.
2. He is a dangerous CRIMINAL. Stay away from him.
3. Does he deserve such heavy SENTENCE?
4. If he commits a crime again, he’ll go to PRISON.
5. He was fined for SPEEDING . He’s always been a reckless driver. ( = excès de vitesse )
6. It is said he STEALS cars.
7. His DRIVING LICENSE was taken away from him for six months. Now he needs to use public transport. ( = permis de conduire )
8. A few WITNESSES saw him drive through a red light. ( = témoins )
9. One man tried to RUN AWAY from the police after he had been caught drink-driving.
10. The man was ACCUSED of speeding and given a ninety-day prison PUNISHMENT.
11. JUDGE Michael Amerton was desperate to find a punishment that would really stop people from repeating their crimes.
12. For ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour punishments which humiliate offenders do seem to be effective.
13. She was taken to the police station with HANDCUFFS. ( = des menottes )
14. There were a few BURGLARIES in our neighbourhood last month. ( = cambriolages )
15. He was released on BAIL of $10.000. ( = une caution )
16. He was given a SUSPENDED sentence. ( = une peine de prison avec sursis )
17. COMMUNITY service is given to minor criminals whose crime are not serious or harmful enough to send them to prison.
18. CRIME doesn’t pay. ( = Le crime ne paie pas )
19. He had to agree on the REHABILITATION programme and his license was taken away.
20. Diana is a young OFFENDER who has been arrested five times this year for shoplifting. (= délinquante )
21. The police decided to reopen the INVESTIGATION after some new evidence had emerged.
; )