Réponse :
a. Rory's farm is the most isolated farm I have ever seen.
isolated ( adjectif long) => the most isolated
b. Living with cows has been the greatest experience she has ever had.
great ( adjectif court )=> the greatest
c. Mustering the cattle has been the most exciting thing they have ever done.
exciting ( adjectif long)=> the most exciting
d. The school of the Air is the funniest school he has ever been to.
funny ( adjectif de 2 syllabes qui finit par "y" )=> le "y" devient "i" et fonctionne comme un adjectif court => the funniest
Explications :
( Participe passé = 3ème colonne des verbes irrégulier // ou base verbale + -ed pour les varbes réguliers )
Attention à la place de "EVER" :
entre l'auxiliaire (has/have) et le participe passé