Réponse :
a. Someone stole my bike while I was shopping
b. The detective was investigating when the superintendant called him.
c. My dad saw the criminals who were escaping from the house.
d. People were angry that the police were doing nothing.
e. The thieves robbed the house while the family was sleeping.
a. The dad said he was cooking.
b. The mum said she was reading the newspaper.
c. The daughter said she was listening to music.
d. The gardener said he was gardening.
a. I WAS WALKING to the market when the streeT lights suddenly WENT OFF.
b. When the detective DECIDED to interview them, Sasha and my brother WERE PLAYING football.
c. While the robbers WERE STEALING the jewels, my dog DIDN’T BARK.
d. I think you WERE READING a book when the crime HAPPENED.
- What were you doing at the time of the robbery?
- Where were you going?
- What were you looking for?
- What was your wife doing?
- Where were the children ?
a. Il pleuvait la nuit du meurtre.
b. La police est venue et est entrée dans la maison.
c. Nous faisions du shopping quand le cambriolage a eu lieu.
d. Je conduisais quand j’ai entendu une voix forte.