bonjour ,aider moi et mrc bcp :)

Réponse :
1/ 2/
8) - Americans started new STYLES of attitude, dancing and dress.
1 ) - ALCOHOL drinks became illegal.
3) - Electricity and PETROLEUM became more accessible.
2) - Life became easier thanks to new APPLIANCES such as vacuum cleaners, washers, sewing machines, fans and toasters.
5) - People listened to music and the news on the RADIO. In 1930, 12 million families had a radio.
7) - Movies were black and white and had no SOUND.
4) - A new kind of music came: JAZZ. It began in African-American communities.
6) -Americans started to buy CARS such as the model T Ford.
3/ Underline the verbs ( Souligne les verbes )
4/ Classify
REGULAR = started ( to start )/ listened ( to listen )
IRREGULAR = became ( to become )/ were ( to be ) / came ( to come )/ began ( to begin )