Bonjour Svp aidez moi. Merci d'avance.

Comme j'arrive très bien à voir XD:
1. heard
2. was driving
3. would have done
4. knew
5. has to be done
6. waited
7. getting married
8. refused
9. to drink
10. calling back
11. fire
12. be
13. to work
14. to be
15. I wouldn't have accepted
16. smoking
17. I didn't !
18. knowing
19. have
20. had said
21. telling you
22. to help
23. drinking
24. driving
Voila, j'espère que ces réponses sont toutes justes, c'est ce qui me vient en tant que bilingue en tout cas ^^
Bonne journée,
tu n'as pas préciser si il y avait un temps précis. Je suppose qu'il faut s'adapter !
1- It's the first time I've heard such a strange story !
2- When the accident happened, he was driving at 100 mph.
3- If the test had been easier, I would have done better.
4- They told me they would phone soon as they knew the result.
5- It should be done by a specialist.
6- He had waited for them for more than half an hour. He was furious.
7- My parents would rather my sister got married later.
=> si après would rather le sujet change, on le fait suivre du prétérit ...
mais j'aurais mis "getting married" si je n'avais pas vérifié...
8- He would refused a passport if the authority knew about his past.
9- Our driver stopped to drink
10- Would you mind calling
11- I saw him firing at the policeman
12- We're looking forward to being
to look forward to + BV-ing
13- children were made to work
14- Petrol used to be very cheap.
15- Had I known all that, I wouldn't have accepted
16- smoking
17- I haven't
18- knowing it
19- I'd rather have
20- I wish I didn't say
21- to tell you
regret to + inf. = qd on va dire faire qq chose
regret + BV -ing = qd on a fat ou pas qq chose
22- You needn't to help me
23- He took to drinking the year (??? jamais entendu cette expression)
24- to drive
désolé d'avoir été si long..
bonne soirée ☺☺☺