On September 11, 2001, four American airliners were hijacked by hijackers. Two of them crash into the towers of the World Trade Center, symbols of the New York skyline and American economic power, which are collapsing. The third crashes on the Pentagon and the fourth on the ground. The September 11 attack will be the first to be followed live by thousands of viewers.
By carrying out a spectacular attack on symbols of the world's leading power, the terrorists and Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden himself, as true communicators, knew how much their act would be exposed to the world. In France, special editions succeeded flashes for almost 24 hours. From September 12, it was the testimonies, the search for the culprits and the questioning of the authorities who took over from the burning towers on television. A war against terrorism will follow between Al Qaeda, the nebula of fundamentalist terrorist groups, powerfully armed and financed, and the Western countries at the forefront of which is the American power.