Bonjour, pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plaît.
4) Donner son opinion . Exprime ton opinion sur ces personnalités à l’aide en suivant l’exemple ci-dessous:
I’m convinced that – To my opinion – As far as I’m concerned
Exemple : Rosa Parks – determined / the first woman who fought for her rights.
= To my opinion Rosa parks was determined because she was the first woman who fought for her rights.

Michelle Obama – outstanding / first Black American first lady :
Toni Morrisson – exceptional / the Nobel Prize in Literature :
Billie Jean King – talented / the Best tennis player in the world :

5) Remets les mots dans l’ordre pour former des phrases interrogatives :
were / born / these women / when ? =
the government / did / a new law / pass / to secure women’s rights ? =
stay / long / in prison / you / how / did ? =
to / French women / allowed / vote / were ? =

6) Complète les phrases suivantes qui expriment la permission – l’interdiction au passé.

Women ______________ work but they _____________ vote at that time.
You _______________ to play in this area but you _______________ to eat food.
Car drivers ______________ listen to loud music but they _______________ dance while driving.
The Black American ________________ drink from the same tap as the Whites. They __________ even sit next to a white man in the bus.

7) Transforme ces phrases à la voix passive :
The policemen follow the criminals =
The houses of parliament pass the laws =
The dictator controls the citizens =
He lit up a fire =
He created a huge building =
Aidez moi s'il vous plaît.

Sagot :

5) Remets les mots dans l’ordre pour former des phrases interrogatives :

were / born / these women / when ? = When were these women born ?

the government / did / a new law / pass / to secure women’s rights ? = Did the government pass a new law  to secure women’s rights ?

stay / long / in prison / you / how / did ? = How long did you stay in prison ?

to / French women / allowed / vote / were ? = Were French women allowed to vote ?