Bonjour aidez moi svp

Réponse : Les réponses sont en gras
Exercice 1 :
a) Dr Watson was examining the body, when Sherlock Holmes arrived.
b) Lestrade was running after the suspect when Holmes found him
c) Holmes was walking near the crime scene wen he found a gun
Exercice 2
a) Holmes and Watson were having a cup of tea when they heard a loud scream.
b) While the police was questioning a suspect when Watson smelled a strange smell.
c) The detective was looking for fingerprints when Watson screamed.
Réponse :
a/ was examining et arrived
b/ was running et found
c/ was walking et found
a/ Holmes and Watson were having a cup of tea when a gunshot went off.
b/ While the police was questioning a suspect, Watson was investigating the crime scene.
c/ The detective was looking for fingerprints, when he found incriminating evidence that revealed who the killer was.
Explications :