Bonjour, j'aurais besoin d'aide en Anglais pour mettre des phrases à la voix passive ainsi que traduire des phrases.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide !

Bonjour Jaurais Besoin Daide En Anglais Pour Mettre Des Phrases À La Voix Passive Ainsi Que Traduire Des Phrases Merci Davance Pour Votre Aide class=

Sagot :



Désolé mais pour le premier ex je ne sais pas mais si non voici les traductions:

  1. We gave Jack a present
  2. I was asked to send this email
  3. He was told to get up
  4. We were served a delicious meal

j'espère que cela t'aidera ;)


Réponse :


RETENIR  ---->     PASSIF  =

    BE ( conjugué au temps de la voix active ) + Participe passé


1. They have not stamped the letter.

Phrase au present perfect donc be au présent perfect = has been . Puisque la phrase est à la forme négative = hasn't been + participe passé =

The letter hasn’t been stamped ( by them )

2. The driver should not bribe the police.

Phrase au conditionel don be au conditionel = should be  + participe passé =

The police should not be bribed by the driver.

3. A lorry knocked him down.

Phrase au prétérit donc be au prétérit = was + participe passé =

He was knocked down by a lorry.

4. We warned you.

Phrase au prétérit donc be au prétérit = were + participe passé =

You were warned ( by us )

5. We had to give the books back.

The books had to be given back ( by us )

6. Someone had picked my keys up in the street.

My keys had been picked up in the street by someone.

7. An earthquake destroyed the town.

The town was destroyed by an earthquake.

8. We can’t repair your clock.

Your clock can’t be repaired.

9. I suppose they have sold the house.

I suppose that the house has been sold by them.

10. They brought their children up in France.

Their children were brought up in France ( by them )

11. They take him for a Frenchman.

He is taken for a Frenchman ( by them )

12. He will do his exercises later.

His exercises will be done by him later.

On a donné un cadeau à Jack = Jack was given a present.

On m’a demandé d’envoyer ce mail = I have been asked to send this mail.

On lui a dit de se lever = He was told to wake up.

On nous a servi un délicieux repas = We were served a  delicious meal

Attention : le complément d'agent ( introduit par by ) n'est pas toujours exprimé