Complétez avec le ‘tag’ qui convient.

1/.You’ll come,………………?
2/.You would come if you were asked,………………?
3/.Let’s go with them,………………?
4/.Give me the paper,…………………….?
5/.He never visits you,……………………..?
6/.You like him a lot,…………………….?
7/.She forgot all about it,……………………….?
8/.She won’t be back,……………………..?
9/.You hadn’t forgotten,………………..?
10/.Everyone saw them,……………..?

Merci d'avance :D

Sagot :



Réponse :

1/.You’ll come, won’t you?

2/.You would come if you were asked ,wouldn’t you?

3/.Let’s go with them, shall we?

4/.Give me the paper, will you?

5/.He never visits you, does he?

( attention ici: « never » donne un sens négatif à la phrase, le tag sera donc positif )

6/.You like him a lot, don’t you?

7/.She forgot all about it, didn’t she?

8/.She won’t be back, will she?

9/.You hadn’t forgotten, had you?

10/.Everyone saw them, didn’t they?

Explications :

Phrase affirmative : tag négatif

Phrase négative : tag affirmatif

- Si il y a un auxiliaire ( can; could; will … ) on le reprend dans le tag


Phrase qui commence par « Let’s » : tag = shall we? ( phrase 3 )

Phrase impérative/ qui donne un ordre :tag = will + pronom ( phrase 4 )