Bjr deux exos en anglais aide svp?

Réponse :
1.a. my grandma's neigbours made too much noise last nigt.
b. today's young people love old pop music.
c. Anna's guitar is a replica of Eric Clapton's one.
d. the brothers's performed songs were all hits.
2.a.we took our rucksacks and travelled the world.
b. I have forgotten my pen. Can you lend me yours?
c. the artiste offered his last painting to the charity.
d. Those children are looking for their parents.
Explications :
salut! j'ai vu que tu avais des difficultés pour ces exercices en anglais. alors, comme c'est une matière que j'aime, je t'ai aidé. bonne chance et bonne journée!
Réponse :
My grandma's new neighbour
Today's young people
anna's guitar
eric Clapton's
The brother's songs
Explications :