Bonjour j'ai une histoire de vampire en anglais a faire j'ai fait le texte si quelqu'un pourait me le corigger je vous mais le barème. Merci c'est pour le 20.

TACHE FINALE : Imaginer une histoire de vampire :
- Le prétérit simple.

- Le prétérit BE + V-ing.

- Les pronoms personnels compléments.

- Le comparatif (supériorité / infériorité / égalité).


- Rédiger un résumé d’une dizaine de ligne environ /4

- Utiliser correctement au moins trois fois le prétérit simple /6

- Utiliser correctement au moins trois fois le prétérit Be + V-ing /6

- Utiliser correctement quatre pronoms personnels compléments différents /4

- Utiliser les trois types de comparatifs /6

- Qualité artistique de la couverture / originalité /4

Voici mon texte:

I was walked in a dark forest. Sometimes I heard scary noises. I was be alling alone. I saw a house.

I was be slowling approaching. I was walking on a branch. A vampire appears before me.

I screamed so loud I hurt my ears. They were be realling bigger than me. The vampire gave

me a stop sign. Those nails were huge. He said with his hands follow me. He let me into a house.

He gaved me hot chocolate.

And after drinking it. He showed me the way. We never saw her again.I thought about him all the time. I would have liked to find him so that we could become best friends.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Voilà le nouveau texte, je n'ai pas compté le nombre de verbes qui étaient demandés :

I was walking in a dark forest. I suddently heard several scary noises, i was terrified. Moreover, I was alone, so no one was there to reassure me. Then, I saw a house.

I was slowly approaching when I walked on a branch, not on purpose, which made a very loud noise. A vampire appeared right in front of me.

I screamed so loud that I hurt my ears. He was really bigger than me. He signaled me to stop by showing me his big hand. His nails were huge. After that, he said "follow me", he was still communicating with his hands. He brought me into the house. And then...

He gaved me hot chocolate.

Honestly, I was very surprized. After drinking it, he showed me the way. We never saw each other again, but I thought about him all the time. I would have liked to see him again, maybe we could have become best friends...


J'espère que je t'ai aidé(e), n'oublie pas d'appuyer sur "Merci" ! ^^