hello , quelqu'un peux m'aider svp svp svp !
sa doit etre écrit en anglais avec le critère d'évaluation .
je n 'arrive pas !!!

Tu es détective et tu écris ton compte-rendu après avoir été sur les lieux d’un
crime. Tu devras être très précis et rendre compte du lieu, de la date, de ce que la
personne faisait avant d’être tuée. Comment la victime a été tuée ? Et tu devras bien
sur émettre des hypothèses sur le mobile du crime et ses suspects.

Sagot :

On the saturday txenty-three August  at sixteen  foorty-three pm , during a rainy day .The body found next to a house , the victim was called Fiona Vercon , she has twenty-three years old , she was a good cook , and she do not had enemies , Fiona was found by lincoln ex-husband  , in a forest , next to a corpse  , detective found a footprint but she was erazed  because of a raining during the crime , and also there are a bulets  . Lincoln , the first suspect , is  ex-husband of the victime , i dont have a job , and during the crime , he was jogging , and Fiona cheated lincoln was hungry . there is also Maria , best-firend of Fiona  , she is a farmer and during the crime she was sleeping , she and FIona had a good realtion and a last the suspect its Mickael , was a boyfriend , he is pilot , during the crime , he was piloting  , with Fiona there had a good and bad relation because  fiona dont like a motherl of Michael had listining a lourd voice of a man on the forest . I suppose a murder its a Lncoln because a ruinning during the crime and he was a jogging it's impossible , he was this for a vengeance  

Si il manque des choses singale le moi je , tu devrais avoir une bonne note javais obtenu un 17 .