Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider svp à mon devoir d’anglais merci

Réponse :
Ex1; a My parents have seen the film twice.
b) Mr Spencer have gone to England
c) Mr Carler have been to the United States.
d) Have you ever tasted Chinesse food?
e) I can lend you the book. I Have read it.
f) Mary is upset. A burglar have stolen her jewels.
g) I fancy I have met you before.
a) Your parents have met Elton John? Yes, in 1997
b) Mary, have you ever seen Greystoke? Yes last Saturday
c) Have you eaten a Christmas pudding? Yes last christmas
d) Have your mother missed the bus? Yes yesterday;
e) Have your father Drunk an English beer. yes three days ago.
Explications :
J'espere avoir pu t'aider