S'il te plaît j'ai besoin de votre aide ,Decide whether the Phrasal verbs are separable or inseparable. Circle the correct sentences.

1. turn on →
He turned on the light.
He turned the light on.
2. hand in →
Hand in your homework on time.
Hand your homework in on time.
3. get on →
They got on the bus.
They got the bus on.
4. look up →
Look up the words in a dictionary.
Look the words up in a dictionary.
,5. grow up →
He grew up in North Carolina.
He grew in North Carolina up.
6. check in →
We checked in at our hotel.
We checked at our hotel in.
7. give up →
They gave up smoking.
They gave smoking up.
8. mix up →
We mixed up the numbers.
We mixed the numbers up.
9. look after →
Dennis looked after his brother.
Dennis looked his brother after.
10. Run across →
I ran across my old roommate at the college reunion.
I ran my old roommate at the college reunion across.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. separable







Explications : j'ai vu dans les commentaire que qqn ne comprenez pas alors je souhaite vous aider... separable est comme le mot en francais, qui veut dir qui peuvent se separer, si la phrase a un sens quand tu separe le mot de la preposition alors c'est separable mais si ce n'est pas le cas alors ils sont inseparable. je souhaite bien avoir repondu ;))