Bonjour, Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît pour mon devoir d'anglais ?
Voici l'énoncé et les phrases:
Lis, réfléchis et barre le mot en trop (il y en a un dans chaque phrase!):

a) China is a more larger country than India.
b) English food is less popular less than Japanese food.
c) Spanish people are the more interested in football than French people.
d) This country is the most hospitable than in Europe.
e) This building is less not impressive than the Colosseum.
f) The Japanese are considered the most much polite people.
g) The Parthenon is not as much big as the Pyramids

Merci d'avance pour ceux qui m'aideront ; )

Sagot :


Réponse :

Hi !

a) China is a  larger country than India.

b) English food is less popular than Japanese food.

c) Spanish people are more interested in football than French people.

d) This country is the most hospitable in Europe.

e) This building is less  impressive than the Colosseum.

f) The Japanese are considered the most polite people.

g) The Parthenon is not as  big as the Pyramids

Réponse :

Je t'ai mis les mots à enlever entre parenthèse.

a) China is a (more) larger country than India.

L'expression de la superiorité est déjà exprimée par le mot "larger" et sa formation en "er"

b) English food is less popular (less) than Japanese food.

Pas besoin de mettre 2 fois "less"

c) Spanish people are (the) more interested in football than French people.

Utiliser "the" devant "more" reviendrait à un superlatif. MAis là c'est un compartif dont à besoin la phrase.

d) This country is the most hospitable (than) in Europe.

C'est la même chose que la phrase précédante, sauf que là c'est un superlatif.

e) This building is less (not) impressive than the Colosseum.

La négation n'a aucune utilité, sauf si on voulait dire "is not less", là ça serait correct.

f) The Japanese are considered the most (much) polite people.

"Most" et "much" expriment la même idée de quantité, seulement dans un comparatif on utilisera "most", alors que "much" est utiliser pour dire "beaucoup"

g) The Parthenon is not as (much) big as the Pyramids

"Much" est juste inutile