Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider je n’arrive pas

Réponse :
The cops ARRIVED just on time because they HAD a fast car.
The robbers CAME into the house by the back door and CAUGHT the victim by surprise because she DIDN’T HEAR them.
He DROVE his car to the garage and he STOPPED his car. Then he GOT out of the car and LOOKED for his wife.
She TRIED tu run away but she DIDN’T MANAGE to do it, so she STUMBLED and FELL down.
He pushed her by the window
He strangled her with a scarf.
They shot the victims with a gun.
She drowned the woman in the bath tub.
He hit her with a candlestick
1. She was scared so she went to the police station. (intrus: were)
2. Why did they kill his best friend ? (intrus :were)