Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider s’il vous plaît.

Réponse :
Harry Potter's uniform is black
Hagrid's pet is a dog
Merlin's magic bok is old
Arthur's friends are courageous
Dubmeldore's bird a phoenix
Merlin is an old man....
Arthur is a young man...
Morgan is a dangerous...
Gryffondor is a good (bad) house at Hogwarts ( my personnal opinion)
Connaissances culturelles
Arthur Pendragon, King of the Bretons.
Merlin is a a beneficial wizard commanding the natural elements and animals.
Morgan is the sister of King Arthur and evil witch (BTW).
Guenièvre is the wife of King Arthur .
All of those questions are very fantastic-ish/ oriented to fantastic views.
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