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Sagot :


Réponse :


PART 1 ( from the beginning to 0’51’’ )

a. Pick out two groups of people : Africans and Americans

b. List words that are repeated several times : « Africans »  « America » « Americans » « citizens » repeated twice.

c. The words have been jumbled. Reorder them.

3- the constitutional gifts

2- to enjoy

4- that they speak so beautifully about today

1- we were not brought here

—>" We were not brought here to enjoy the constitutional gifts that they speak so beautifully about today."

d. Classify the information you have collected in the following grid. Find a heading for each column.

                                         BLACK AMERICANS    //     WHITE AMERICANS

who?                                     Africans                       //    Pilgrims      

Origin                                      Africa                           // Europe

Reason for coming       against their will / slaves  // to start a new life


1.Concentrate on Malcom X’s tone of voice.

Does he sound  :   determined  //     harsh

2. Pay attention to the reactions of the audience. What are people doing ? When ?  People are laughing and applauding when he makes jokes.

3. In your words explain why. I think people agree with him. They are laughing when he says : «  We didn't land on Plymouth Rock; the rock was landed on us » the allusion refers to the Pilgrims who somehow founded the United States. And as descendants of slaves he doesn’t feel as American.

f.Recap: what historical events does Malcom X focus on ? Malcom X focuses on the importance of African Americans origins. They came to America against their will. He says that they were kidnaped in their country and brought . The use of the word « brought », and the passive form of the sentence «  we were kidnaped and brought to America » underlines the fact that for him they were considered as objects.

PART 2 ( from 0’52’’ to the end )

g. Find a link word expressing a break with the past.  Today, now

h. Two negatives reactions mentioned.Which ones ?  Hostility and unfriendliness

i. Read the transcriptions aloud. Then write the words corresponding to them.

- JUDO  //  - KARATE

j. Organise your notes. What must black people do ?

Goals : Freedom / Nationalism

What is necessary to achieve these goals ? They must fight.

What is useless ? According to Malcom X debate and filibuster are useless.

k. Recap: say what you have learnt about Malcom X’s views.

I have learnt that Malcom X is extremely engaged and motivated to convince people that it is time for African Americans to fight for their rights. He can’t stand anymore the hypocritical country he lives in. I particularly likes his sentence : "If you're interested in freedom, you need some judo, you need some karate--you need all the things that will help you fight for freedom. », because I also  believe that any battle should be prepared as an athlete prepares before the fight.