bonjour aidé moi s'il vous plaît

1) c'est le deuxieme drapeau
2) Australia is situed is on the continent of Oceania.
3) The capital of Australia is Canberra.
4) The largest city in Australia is Sydney.
5) The official language of Australia is the english.
6) The currency of Autralia is the australian dollar.
7) Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane
J'espère t'avoir aidé :)
Réponse :
1. The Australian flag is number 2.
2. Australia is situated in Oceania.
3.The capital city in australia is Canberra.
4.The largest city in australia is Sydney.
5.The official language in australia is English.
6.The current money in australia is called the Australian Dollar.
7.They are Melbourne , Perth, Brisbane and Adélaïdeas other big city in Australia.
i hope i helped you , have a nice day!
Explications :