svp je dois rendre demain a 13h vous pouvez maider merci des maintenant

Réponse :
1. I CLOSED / SHUT that door 10 minutes ago!
2. The sun SHINES in Spring!
3. Have you READ the new novel by Stephen King? It’s great!
4. No, I DIDN’T SAY « go out » yesterday
5. I SAW the series « desperate housewives » 3 years ago.
6. During his last Olympic Games, he RAN really fast.
Je n’ai pas voulu dire cela quand j’ai parlé à ton copain!
I didn't mean that when I spoke to your boyfriend!
Hier, j’ai fait du vélo pendant trente minutes
Yesterday I rode a bike for thirty minutes
Le président a perdu beaucoup de soutien ces derniers temps.
The president has lost a lot of support lately.