Bonjour quelqu'un pourrait avoir la gentillesse de m'aider pour les questions 1 à 4 svp merci. C'est pour demain.

1- Knowing one's neighbor is a good thing because:
-They can watch out for one another
-Most homeworkers feel safer when they know their neighbors
-Neighboors can share information about safety and crimes
-4 out of 5 people that use online neighborhood forum socialize more with their neighboors in person.
2- The image shows that neighborhoods that care for each other are good, but the text tells that 30% of americans don't know they neighboors.
3- It is said that americans don't need to know their neighboors anymore to form bonds. Also they have less time to spend on it, and they prefer spending it with friends or family or watching Netflix. Also people in the suburbs and some meeting spaces like pools and gyms are getting more and more private.
4- I think this change is not specific to American Society, because the reasons given in the text can be associated to europe and most developed countries.