-Réponse :
1- Qui est sur la photo ?
The photograph shows the former US President: Barack Obama.
2- Pourquoi est-il célèbre ?
Barack Obama is famous because he was the first African-American President of the United States of America.
3- Qu’apprend-on sur l’enfance de Bakewell ?
Bakewell grew up in the segrated city of New Orleans where his family were not allowed to vote because they could pass the literacy test.
4- Pourquoi était-il heureux en 2008 ?
Bakewell was really satisfied to cast a vote for a fellow African-American Barack Obama.
5- Relève deux adjectifs dans le texte pour décrire cette journée spéciale pour lui :
a- thrilling
1- Quelle est la phrase qui indique que cela a été long et difficile pour arriver à ce point ?
Mrs Hill refers to her grandmother, born in 1929, who lived in North Carolina and was part of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s fighting for basic rights. At that time her grandmother couldn't vote back in the 1960s. But she is been able to vote in this election for an African-American for President.
2- Relève les deux expressions qui montrent l’activisme de sa grand-mère pour la défense des droits civiques :
a- was part of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s
b- fighting for basic rights.
Explications :