Quelqun peut maider sur celui ci merci bcp
« Je peux comprendre le témoignage d’une personne sur un thème de société ».
Lis le texte et réponds aux questions avec des phrases complètes en Anglais.
Reformule avec tes mots (dans la mesure du possible) en utilisant  également les notions de grammaire vues dans la séquence.
‘My stay in a rural Massaï village in rural Kenya working as a nurse was an amazing experience. I saw the overall needs of a population while at the same time experiencing the tremendous sense of community so lacking in my country. By volunteering, I have become a better and happier person.Everybody should try it at least once in their lifetimes.
Kathy Schaefer.
Georgia, United States.
Kenya volunteer. 
www.globalvolunteerwork.org (2010)

1. Who is speaking ? (1pt)

2. Where does she come from? (1pt)

3. Where exactly did she work in Kenya ? (1 pt) ________________________________________________

4. What did she do in kenya ? (1pt) ___________________________________________________________

5. What did she see and experience there ? (2pts) _______________________________________________

6. What impact has the experience had on her? (2pts) ____________________________________________

7. What is her piece of advice to us ? (2 pts) ____________________________________________________

Sagot :


Réponse :

1)Kathy Schaefer.

2)She come from Georgia, in  United States.

3)in a rural Massaï village in rural Kenya.

4)She volunteered as a nurse.

5)She see the overall needs of a population while at the same time experiencing the tremendous sense of community so lacking in Unites States.

6)She became a better and happier person.

7)Her piece of advice it is that everyone should be at least a volunteer once in their life.

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