Bonjour quelqun peut maider sur sa svp mrc
« Je peux réfléchir sur un thème de société et donner des conseils d’amélioration. »

Vous êtes un bon citoyen (a good citizen !) et vous vous intéressez beaucoup aux améliorations que vous pourriez apporter à votre ville.
Ecrivez un mail à votre journal local et faites lui part de vos conseils et de ces améliorations !
Think about what you should/could do to improve your city
Write an email to your local newspaper to explain your ideas.
Use : le langage de la suggestion , du conseil.

Sagot :

Bonjour voici une petite aide pour toi,

Living conditions in our city are deteriorating more and more. Factory exhaust and smoke pollute the air and trees are cut down. In addition, the river is polluted by chemicals from factories and people suffer from breathing difficulties and stomach problems. We have to do something before it's too late.

A big problem is the amount of garbage and trash. To reduce the amount of litter, we could do some recycling slag. Good things to do could also be adding more trash cans to city centers, using tougher fines and publicizing new ways to reduce litter for residents. As a result, we could have cleaner streets and fewer illnesses.

There are too many cars in our city, so this is also a problem. I think it would be a good idea to ban cars from city centers and improve public transport. As a result, we could have cleaner air and fewer health problems. In addition, it could be much quieter without so many cars.

Another big problem is that too many trees are cut down. A simple suggestion could solve the problem: for each tree felled, we should plant 10 new ones. As a result, we would have more oxygen to breathe and the animals would not lose their natural habitat.

The last major problem is water pollution. The government should impose heavy fines on factory owners who pollute water, and filters should also be used. As a result, we could have cleaner water and marine life would no longer be threatened.

All things considered, there are many solutions to all problems. The sooner we put them into practice, the better our lives will improve.

J'espère que je t'ai aidé n'hésite pas à me poser des questions voilà ; )