Bonjour ,j'essaye d’améliorer mon anglais du coup j'aurais besoins d'aide il faut que je transforme au moins 6 phrases a la voix passive. PS je remercie les personnes qui m'aideront d'avance . voila le texte (il est en word si vous voulez) :
Pocahontas was born around 1595 near the English colony of Virginia. She is one of the daughters of the chief of the great tribe of the Powhatans, her real name, Matoaka, means "little snow feather". In 1607, she met the English settlers who arrived in Jamestown, on the territory of her tribe. One of the settlers, the explorer John Smith, was one day captured by the Powhatan Indians. He is put to death by the chief of the tribe, but is saved by Pocahontas. "Pocahontas" is the nickname of the Pocahontas. One of the settlers, the explorer John Smith, was one day captured by the Powhatan Indians. He is put to death by the chief of the tribe, but is saved by Pocahontas. At this time, the Jamestown colony was dying of hunger and cold. The Powhatans but bring food to their settler neighbors. One day, Pocahontas is captured by an English captain to put pressure on the Indians. She was held hostage in Jamestown. She is forced to dress like a European and to learn the language. She was also converted to Christianity and renamed Rebecca. John Rolfe, an Englishman from the colony falls in love of her and proposes to her. Marriage actually served many purposes. For Pocahontas' father, the chief of the tribe, it's to calm tensions, for Virginia's company, the appeasement is good for trade and for the English, marriage shows the triumph of "civilization" over the natives. Pocahontas gives birth to a son, Thomas. In 1616, Pocahontas and her husband leave the continent to come to the English court. She is treated as "a princess of the New World" but she is mostly exposed as an exotic object of curiosity. She died on March 21, 1617, on the ship that brought her back to Virginia. She is buried on the shores of the Thames, far from her native land. Pocahontas was one of the only Native American women whose story has come down to us.