svp expliqué moi je pas compris le exercice2 ou répondez exercice 1 si vous voulez

Réponse :
Exercice 1:
a. Can
b. glass bottle
c. metal
d. plastic bottle
Explications :
pour l'exercice deux, en gros du doit conjuguer le verbe entre paranthese dans les pointillet au temps demander. je te fais la premiere.
1. What where you doing yesterday?
si tu veux je te fais les autres
Réponse :
1.What DID you DO yesterday ?
2. I DIDN’T GO to school last week because of the coronavirus.
3. I CAN LIMIT CO2 to protect the planet.
5. Saving water is BETTER than doing nothing at all.
6. We SHOULD WASH our hands a lot every day.
Paper ( papier ) - METAL ( métal ) - GLASS BOTTLE ( bouteille en verre )- PLASTIC BOTTLE - CAN ( cannette )
a. It is made of aluminium : CAN
b. It is made of a synthetic material : PLASTIC BOTTLE
c. It is made of a hard substance such as gold or silver : METAL
d : It is made of a hard, transparent material : GLASS BOTTLE
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