Salut svp vous pouvez m'aider pour ce devoir en anglais, personnellement je suis contre mais je ne trouves pas d'arguments, vous pouvez m'aider mais svp il faut faire comme si vous étiez contre. C'est un texte à faire d'au moins 7 lignes merci beaucoup. svp aider moi.
1. React to this statement “Women must stay home and look after their children”. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Justify!
(Utility box: On the one hand... On the other hand / whereas / unlike / despite or in spite of.../ to my mind... / from my point of view...)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

Sagot :


Réponse :

I am totally against!

man and woman are two beings/ person on earth, born in the same way having the same organs having a brain, hands a mouth Women are not brittle and are no less egalitarian/ equal than men, cause all humans in this earth are equal,  we all live in the same place and we share it between us there is not a single reason which would justify that a man has more right than a woman NOTHING.

unfortunately in today's society it is not yet understood , especially with the salary. Men always earn more than womenbut why? i don't find the reason.

Jobs too, men have better jobs than women, but do you know that women are often more serious and invested in their work.

to finish , the political life ,why it is often the women who fail? again no reason is valid to discriminate against women.

So i'm totally against.

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