Qui peux m’aider SVP c pour auj

Réponse :
Salut, je dois faire un enregistrement oral en anglais et j'ai préparé ce dialogue. Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait corriger mes fautes si il y en a et/ou me donner quelques conseils pour l'améliorer. Merci d'avance.
- Hello miss, welcome to our tea shop ! Do you need some help ?
- Good morning, yes, my American friend will come in Great Britain tomorrow and I want to offer him a good box of tea because he loves that.
- Oh, ok, it’s a good choice for an American friend, nowadays, tea has a great success in the US and you are in the good shop for this. We have a great diversity of teas from different parts of the world, especially from India, a country that American people like for teas.
- Yes it’s a good thing. Moreover, my friend is a huge fan of tea. He discovered it many years ago and drink a lot of tea everyday but he buy each time the same tea, so I want to show him a different one. He takes only the classic green tea, you can find in supermarkets.
- Ok, sure. I can show you this green tea. It is a little derivative of the classic recipe. But I think you want something different.
- Of course, I want someting different. I want to show him other types of teas, with more fruits or a good one for his health because he has many health problems, that’s why he stopped coffee many years ago to take tea.
- Is he hairless ? Because it can be fun to give him this tea. It prevents baldness.
- No, he doesn’t like when we joke about his hairs.
- Ok, I understand. You want something more serious which is good for his health. If you want a good product, I advise you to take this. It’s a typical tea from India wich is not present in the USA. It is our best product. It is the best tea for health we have and it is loved by customers because it is a strawberry flavor.
- Oh no, I can’t buy it, he don’t like strawberry. I didn’t tell it to you but he is finicky on flavours. He is crazy about lemon and exotics fruits but he hates red fruits. That’s why I need your advices. I found nothing good in a supermarket.
- Give me a minute to reflect. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Does he like the classic English tea ? It can be a good choice I think.
- Yes he likes that but I have allready bought a box of English tea when I went in the USA to see him. I want to change, you understand.
- I see
- Thanks for your help, and for everything. Have a nice day, Bye !!
- No problem, it is my job. Bye !