Sagot :
Réponse :
1/A boomtown is a town that grows rapidly
2/Sacramento, Stockton or San Francisco (tu en choisi un)
3/ Women came to boomtowns because they could easily find a job thanks to their “homemaking skills” and if they wanted to get married there were thousands of available men.
4/ An entrepreneur sold things to numerous people to make a lot of money.
5/ Aurais-tu aimé aller en Californie pendant la ruée vers l'or ? difficile de répondre pour toi (je te propose deux réponses basiques.)
I would have liked to go to California for the Gold Rush because maybe I could have beeen an ebntreprener and I could have become rich
I wouldn't have liked to go to California for the Gold Rush because it was hard to earn a living with gold and I think it was an exhausting job.
Explications :