bonjour pourriez m'aidez svp define perfectionism anal its impact on teenagers' self-esteem?

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Bonjour :)

The perfectionist imposes standards of excellence that are extremely difficult to achieve, if not impossible. She does not know how to balance her efforts, sometimes overinvesting in activities of lesser importance to the detriment of some more priority. For her, details count as much as the whole and she remains adamant in choosing her priorities and her ways of doing things. The perfectionist has difficulty working in a team and delegating. She constantly doubts herself and does not accept her limits and imperfections.

Children and youth who have low self-esteem are more prone to perfectionism. They set the bar high, are often very sensitive to criticism, are afraid of being judged and compare themselves to others. Today, the desire to be perfect in body, mind and career with a student has increased significantly compared to previous generations, which can have an impact on the mental health of young people.