bonjour aidez moi svp ! c'est noté niveau 6ème.

Réponse :
Explications :
yesterday i swam...
yesterday my mom visited....
on Monday, i walked ....
yesterday, Marc jumped....
my parents went...
Q. Elizabeth opened....
he was running....
i was playing ....
i had an....
Réponse :
Yesterday, I SWAM 100 meters in 51 seconds.
Yesterday, my mother)VISITED London with my sister .
On Mondays,I WALKED to school.
Yesterday, Marc JUMPED on the table in class!
My parents WENT to the cinema on Friday
Q. Elizabeth OPENED the Palace to the public.
He RAN very fast.
I LIKED playing football.
I HAD an orange T-shirt.
Yesterday, I DIDN’T swim 100 meters in 51 seconds
Yesterday, my mother DIDN’T visit London with my sister.
On Mondays, I DIDN’T walk to school
Yesterday, Marc DIDN’T jump on the table in the class.
My parents DIDN’T go to the cinema.
Q. Elizabeth DIDN’T open the Palace to the public.
He DIDN’T RUN fast.
I DIDN’T like playing football.
He DIDN’T HAVE an orange T-shirt
Explications :
A la forme affirmative : le sujet + verbe au prétérit ( attention aux verbes irréguliers)
A la forme négative : Le sujet + didn't ( = did not ) + base verbale ( infinitif sans to ) Remarque à la forme négative la marque du prétérit est dans l'auxiliaire ( didn't ) et pas dans le verbe ! ====> c'est facile à faire ; )