Bonjour, je dois faire un dialogue en anglais mais j'ai pas trop d'inspiration. Voilà le sujet ainsi que la méthode attendu : Merci pour celui qui m'aidera


Imagine a dialogue between Kate who loves and defends the Simpsons and Brad who hates and criticizes this TV series. (200-250 words)

Dialogue à rédiger en anglais bien sûr minimum 200 mots, 250 mots maximum.


Rédigez une courte phrase d’introduction précisant où et quand se déroule la conversation et qui sont les interlocuteurs (vous pouvez changer les prénoms).

Terminez votre dialogue soit par une dernière réplique qui conclut la discussion, soit par une courte phrase de conclusion.

Vous pouvez utiliser des verbes introducteurs (say, tell, ask, answer ou reply, add (ajouter), exclaim, shout…..). Ces verbes sont conjugués au prétérit.

Vous devez utiliser un registre de langue courant et/ou familier mais pas vulgaire !​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Kate and Brad are watching tv in the sitting room, suddenly an episode of the simpsons starts, Brad who refuses to watch it starts to pick a fight...

"Oh Kate can you turn it off, I hate this !

No! every time it's on you scream !

Yes! because it's an awful show ! Now take it off or I'll turn the tv off !

Don't make such a fuss for a half hour show ! See the good part of it ! It's funny, and is an actual good show when you want to watch it !

No ! Like I said it's an awful serie with some awful characters that are YELLOW that is not normal and it's not even funny !!

Of cause you wouldn't like it you have no humor, if you actually intrested to learn more you would see one episode, it just like in the american series but it's a cartoon."

*Kate goes to the kitchen to get some popcorn*

" Here, take some and just watch one episode with me and if you don't like it i'll never watch it when your around.

Promised ?

yes, now go get the blanket and let's watch !

Sure !

*half an hour later*

"You were right kate ! it's not that bad after all !

I know right

Can we watch an other episode ?

No... it's not a good series after all... Joking sure Brad go and change the episode"

ça m'as pris gavé de temps à faire mais tiens xD