Réponse :
Exercice : Correct the sentences you haven’t ticked and rewrite them below using not … yet
a) She has already tried paddle-boarding → She hasn’t tried paddle-boarding yet.
b) She has already had a hot-air balloon ride → She hasn’t had a hot-air balloon ride yet.
c) She has already been to Sydney → She hasn’t been to Sydney yet.
Exercice : What activities would you most fancy doing? Why?
I would love to dive the Great Barrier Reef because I’ve been watching documentaries about it and it’s amazing. Unfortunately half of the reef died because of the rise of temperatures, that’s why it should be on my bucket list before there’s nothing left to see. I would love to go trekking as well to have a chance to see the Australian wildlife, it would be interesting to learn more about the biodiversity.
Explications : Pour le dernier exercice j’ai choisi deux activités et j’ai mis les raisons, j’espère que ça vous conviendra. N’hésitez pas à ajouter des détails.
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