Réponse :
1. Anne LIKED pineapple* when she WAS younger. (pineapple = Ananas)*
2. This WAS not an raccoon*. (Raccoon = Raton laveur)*
3. You SLEPT too much last night.
4. We BROKE the glass.
5. They BOUGHT a new car.
6. He STOPPED the bus.
7. You FIXED the sink.
8. She DANCED all night.
9. I JUMPED over the fence*. (Fence = clôture)*
10. You DROPPED the mug*. (mug = mug(un anglicisme) ou grande tasse)*
( REMARQUE : on double la consonne finale à STOP et DROP )
Verbes réguliers on ajoute ED
Verbes irréguliers... on les apprend ; )