Sagot :
Réponse : a. The police identified the murderer whose fingerprints were on the knife.
b. Ellen, who is a big fan of Woody Allen, can talk for
hours about his films!
C. He reminds me of someone I used to know.
d. Tim is the boy whose father is a pilot.
e. You're the one who told me not to come!
f. The person to whom you were speaking is a famous graffiti artist.
Explications : Pas besoin de compléter pour la phrase C
Petit rappel
Who: utilisé pour des personnes uniquement.
exemple : He's the man WHO bought my car.
Whom: ( que ) Il est aussi utilisé quand on parle de personnes mais sous forme de QUE.
exemple : He's the man WHOM I met yesterday.
Il est l'homme QUE j'ai rencontré hier.
On le retrouve souvent après '' to''
Whose: ( dont ) ( de qui, à qui ) un peu plus compliqué à maîtriser..
exemple : He's the man whose wife died last year.
Il est l'homme dont la femme est morte l'année dernière.