Exercice 1
Aidez moi svp

Réponse :
Exo 1- Dans cet exercice, il revient à mettre les verbes au temps convenable
Explications :
a. Shakespeare (be / was) born in 1564
b. Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin (be / were) born on the same day
c. Charles Darwin (publish / published) his theory of evolution in 1859.
d. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert (speak / speak) German
e. Queen Victoria (wear / wears) black after her husband's death.
f. Marylin Monroe (win / won ) a Golden Globle in 1959.
g. Steve jobs (co-found / co-founded) Apple in 1976.
h. Lady Diana (die / died ) in paris in Paris in 1997.
i. Lady diana (do / does ) a lot of charity work.
j. Muhammad ali (write / writes ) poetry
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