Bonjour j'aurai besoin d'aide pour cette exercice en anglais s'il vous plait
merci d'avance

Exercice 1 Ecrire les phrases au passif en utilisant le present perfect (has/have been + part. Passé):

1. the email / send => ___________________
2. the bottles / count => ___________________
3. the window / close => ___________________
4. the cakes / make => ___________________
5. the letter / write => ___________________
6. the flowers / plant => ___________________
7. the cash / spend => ___________________
8. the restaurant / book / not => ___________________
9. the bill / pay / not => ___________________
10. the tourists / inform / not => ___________________

Exercice 2 Mettre le verbe entre parenthèses à la voix passive en utilisant le temps qui convient:

1. I don’t have to go to the bakery because the bread (deliver) ___________ to our house every day. 2. When Tina went to school, she (pick) ___________ up by her parents every day.
3. You need not clean the shower. It (clean/already) ___________ by your dad.
4. From now on everything (do) ___________ as planned.
5. When Tom came home, dinner (cooked/not) ___________ yet.

Exercice 3 Mettre ces phrases actives à la forme passive en utilisant le temps qui convient:

The cat caught the mouse. → __________________________
Sandra is using a computer → __________________________
Columbus discovered America in 1492. → __________________________
A car hit me. → __________________________
My neighbours will take care of my dog. → __________________________

Exercice 4 Faites des phrases au passif impersonnel :

Exemple: His friends say that he is very shy => It is said by his friend that he is very shy.

They think that he earns a lot of money. → __________________________
Tourists say that this country has incredible sceneries. → __________________________ Everybody knows that this music is Phil Collins’s best song. → __________________________ The police assume that the arrested man has killed a hiker. → __________________________ Experts suppose that this painting belonged to Napoleon. → __________________________

Exercice 5 Faites des phrases à la forme passive en utilisant le prétérit (was / were):
1. the test / write => ___________________________
2. the table / set => ___________________________
3. the dog / feed => ___________________________
4. the computers / switch on => ___________________________
5. the building / build => ___________________________
6. lunch / serve => ___________________________
7. this car / sell / not => ___________________________
8. the bike / stop / not => ___________________________
9. the rooms / clean / not => ___________________________
10. the kids / pick up / not => ___________________________

Exercice 6 Formez des phrases à la voix passive au temps appropriés:

Exemple : (Automobiles / invent / Karl Benz) => Automobiles were invented by Karl Benz.
1.(Pyramids / build / Egyptians) => _______________________
2.(tea / grow / in Sri-Lanka) => _______________________
3.(the Yen / use / in Japan) => _______________________
4.(flowers / water / everyday) => _______________________
5.(the murderer / arrest / policemen / yesterday) => _______________________
6.(the injured / take to a hospital / now) => _______________________
7.(the car / repair / tomorrow) => _______________________
8.(the emails / send / last week) => _______________________

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. the email / send => The emails have been sent.

2. the bottles / count => The bottle have been counted

3. the window / close => The window has been closed

4. the cakes / make => The cakes have been made

5. the letter / write => The letter has been written

6. the flowers / plant => The flowers have been planted

7. the cash / spend => The cash has been spent

8. the restaurant / book / not => The restaurant hasn't been booked / has not been booked

9. the bill / pay / not => The bill hasn't been payed / has not been payed

10. the tourists / inform / not => The tourists haven't been informed / have not been informed.

Explications :

Has = singulier

Have = pluriel