Réponse :
Davis : HAVE YOU SEEN Jim the gardener today ?
Sarah : No, I HAVEN’T SEEN him since yesterday.
Davis : DID YOU SEE Mary yesterday ?
Sarah : Yes, I SAW her yesterday but I HAVEN’T SEEN her today since breakfast. She HAS DISAPPEARED.
Nobody HAS SEEN Boris Norman since last Saturday. He LEFT the house i the middle of the night. The maid SAW him from her window. The police HAS FOUND the car. Somebody DROVE the car into the villa last Sunday. Boris HASN’T CONTACTED his wife for seven days. The police HASN’T FOUND Boris yet. Boris HAS NEVER BEEN out of contact with his wife for so long. Boris DISAPPEARED seven days ago. Sarah GAVE the ring to Boris six months ago. Boris HAS BEEN wearing the ring since the honeymoon. Inspector Davis HAS ALREADY INTERVIEWED the servants.
« HAVE you SEEN Mr Norman since last Saturday ? » asked inspector Davis. « DID you HEAR anything last Sunday ? » « How long HAS Mr Norman BEEN away ? » « When DID Mr Norman GO away ? »
Explications :
N'oublie pas :
past simple ( prétérit) = passé/ daté/ pas de lien avec le présent
present perfect = il y a un lien, une conséquence dans le present..
(J'ai souligné dans le texte des indices qui permettent de choisir le temps)
; )