Exercice 5 :
1. Yes, he’s been there several times.
→ Has he ever been to Europe ?
2. Yes, lots of times.
→ Has Spencer's father ever traveled ?
3. Yes, he’s been ther twice.
→ Has he ever been to Australia ?
4. Yes, he has but only once.
→ Has he ever been to Africa ?
5. No, not yet !
→ Has he ever been to China ?
Exercice 6 :
Been / Gone
A : This is a photo of the Lake District.
B : hmmm. I’ve never been to the Lake District.
A : Where’s Blackie gone ?
B : I don’t know. I can’t see him anywhere.
A : Here I am !
B : You’re late ! Where have you been ?
En espérant t'avoir aidé(e) ! ^^