bonjour je suis en classe de 3eme mais je ny arrive pas merci d'avance
Complète le texte à trous à l’aide d’un pronom relatif.

California is a state _________ many people have Mexican origins. In this state, art is really important and many artists _________ were born in the United States have Mexican parents. Juan Felipe Herrera is a poet _______ won a Poetry Prize. He is very famous and his poems ________ deal with the history of Mexican immigrants in California are really moving since they depict a situation _________ is not uncommon.

Now, write 3 sentences about the history of California. Use relative pronouns. (Ecris 3 phrases sur l’histoire de la Californie à l’aide de pronoms relatifs).



Sagot :

Réponse :  California is a state where many people have Mexican origins. In this state, art is really important and many artists who were born in the United States have Mexican parents. Juan Felipe Herrera is a poet who won a Poetry Prize. He is very famous and his poems which deal with the history of Mexican immigrants in California are really moving since they depict a situation which is not uncommon.

Explications :

Les pronoms relatifs sont : WHERE pour indiquer un lieu

WHICH pour indiquer un objet

WHEN pour indiquer un moment

WHO pour indiquer une personne