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Pour fêter l'anniversaire d'une école, une cérémonie est organisée au cours de laquelle une capsule temporelle contenant des messages écrits par des enfants 50 ans auparavant est déterrée et ouverte. Chaque enfant emporte chez lui un message, mais celui du petit Caleb est illisible, car il s'agit d'une suite incohérente de chiffres.D'abord amusé, son père, statisticien, essaye de trouver une signification. Terrifier, il découvre peu à peu que chaque séquence de chiffres correspond à la date exacte d'une catastrophe récente. Lorsqu'il comprend que les 3 dernières prophétises, une course contre la montre commence.

Sagot :

To celebrate the birthday of a school, a ceremony is organized in which a time capsule containing some messages written by children, 50 years ago, is unearthed and opened. Each child takes a message to his home, but that of the little Caleb is illegible because it's an incoherent serie of figures. First amused, his father, a statistician, tries to find a signification. Terrified, he gradually discovers that each sequence of numbers meaning to the exact date of a recent disaster. When he understands the last 3 prophecies, a race against the clock begins.

J'espère t'avoir aidé

To celebrate the anniversary of a school, a ceremony is organized during which a time capsule containing messages written by children 50 years ago is unearthed and opened. Each child takes a message home, but that of little Caleb is illegible because it is an incoherent series of figures. First amused, his father, a statistician, tries to find a meaning. Terrifying, he gradually discovers that each sequence of numbers corresponds to the exact date of a recent disaster. When he understands that the last 3 prophecies, a race against the clock begins