résumé en français a mettre en anglais svp merci a ceux qui m aide

ils était marié avec des enfants alors que Mme blanche devenait infidèle mr derek l aimer de plus en plus il était fou d elle ses enfants avait découvert le secret de leurs mère alors qu'il se balader son enfant gaffas il remit alors son mariage en question alors il arriva à sa maison attendit que sa femme rentra pour lui dire ce qu il avait entendu avant de la tué a main nu. ​

Sagot :

Réponse :they were married with children while Mme blanche became unfaithful mr. derek love him more and more he was crazy about her his children had discovered the secret of their mother while he was walking his child gaffas he then questioned his marriage then he arrived at a house that the woman returned for him say what he heard before killing her a main naked.

Explications :


He was married with children while Mrs. white was becoming unfaithful mr. derek l loved her more and more he was crazy about her his children had discovered their mother's secret while he was walking around with his child gaffas he then questioned his marriage so he arrived at his house waited for his wife to come home to tell him what he had heard before he killed her with his bare hands.