Bonsoir, je n’arrive pas à faire l’exercice 1 pouvez m’aidez svp ?

Réponse :
a) Jenna was in Antarctica and she did many activities but there were unfortunately some that she couldn't do.
Some of the things she did were: Visiting a science laboratary, fishing, snowboarding and finally drilling through the ice.
What she did not get to do were: riding a snowmobile, skiing,seeing penguins and analyse ice carrots. So she did 4 things out of the 8 that she wanted to do.
B) Pour le b tu dois dire si tu as fais certaines activites et en parler par exemple si c'etait skier tu dis:
I did one of those activities and that's skiing i went to (place de ton choix) for vacation, spent a couple of ( ton choix, days/weeks) there and (skiied/ learned how to ski) .It was super cold but i had a good time and i would like to go back there is it is possible one day.
J'espere que je t'ai aide:)
Explications :