Bonsoir,pouvez vous me trouvez une fin parce que la mienne n’est pas logique(c’est de l’anglais)merci.

Bonsoirpouvez Vous Me Trouvez Une Fin Parce Que La Mienne Nest Pas Logiquecest De Langlaismerci class=

Sagot :


Réponse :

Comme promis  ; )

He was so scared but he was curious too. So, he decided to go upstairs. He climbed the stairs and came in a dark room. He was looking around when suddenly he saw it ! It was the dog ! It was so frightening that he thought he was going to die. He immediately ran outside and returned home. Since that day, he has nightmares every night.


Bonsoir, en espérant que la réponse qui suit vous aidera.

Réponse :

He heard footsteps from the second floor, therefore he went upstairs. As he arrived, he saw the dog and tried patting him. The dog started moving and brang the boy back to his house. From this day, the dog comes each day to see the little boy and play with him.

Bien cordialement,