Bonjours, j’ai cette exercice à faire pour demain. Mais je n’y arrive pas. Pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît.

Tu peux commencer par ecrire:
Emmeline Pankhurst was born in England in 1858
Bonjour ,
Je te propose ceci :
" Emmeline Prankhurst was born in Manchester , her father would a boy but she's a girl . When she has grown , she fought for the Votes for Women . She studied in Neuilly . Her teacher decided to learn science and maths the year when Emmeline entered at this school because before , science and maths are not allowed to study for women . In 1879 , she married with a man who like strong and smart women , like that , she can continue to fight for women "
PS : Tu peux introduire les lieux et les dates si tu le souhaites .
Voilà , j'espère t'avoir aidé !