Pouvez vous me corrigez ma traduction en anglais svp

Le voici en français :De plus, la plupart du temps je travaille avec les tribunaux qui font appel à moi lors de litige concernant des objets d’arts ou des oeuvre d’art tout simplement notamment pour réaliser une analyse technique, scientifique sur l’authenticité de l’art, sur son origine. Souvent j’aide le juge à avoir plus de connaissance sur l’oeuvre d’art et sur la manière dont il devra l’appréhender mais aussi j��interviens en tant que témoins après avoir étudier et analyser l’art pour certifier ou non la création de l’oeuvre d’art par tel ou tel auteur.

Et en anglais :In addition, most of the time I work with the courts which appeal to me during litigation concerning works of art or works of art quite simply in particular to carry out a technical, scientific analysis on the authenticity of art , on its origin. Often I help the judge to have more knowledge on the work of art and on the way in which he will have to apprehend it but also I intervene as witnesses after having studied and analyze the art to certify or not the creation of the work of art by such or such author.

Sagot :

moreover, in the most of the time I work with the courts who appeal to me during litigation concerning works of art or works of art quite simply especially to carry out a technical analysis, scientific analysis on the authenticity of art , on its origin.i often help the judge to have more knowledge on the work of art and on the way in which he will have to apprehend it but also I intervene as witnesses after having studied and analyze the art to certify or not the creation of the work of art by such or such author.

there is no lot of mistakes

i hope that i helped u