Sagot :

Réponse :


1) Je suis desolee mais je ne sais pas trop pour le premier si je pourrais le faire je te donnerai la reponse. Mais pendant ce temps j'ai fais le reste pour toi. J'espere que ca t'aidera:)


a) A cat can be more dangerous than a dog.

b) This lesson is easier than the last one.

c) Jenny's room is darker than Helen's room.

d) Betty is worse at french than ted.

e) My uncle is slimmer than my father.

f) Grandparents are often more patient than parents.

g) Our neighbor's daughter is nice than my sister.


1A) Tom is younger than Sarah.

1B) Sarah is older than tom.

2A) Tom is shorter than Sarah

2B) Sarah is taller than Tom.

3A) Tom is heavier than Sarah.

3B) Sarah is lighter than Tom.

4A) Tom is worse in English than Sarah.

4B) Sarah is better in English than Tom.

4C) Tom is better in maths than Sarah.

4D) Sarah is worse in maths than Tom.

Explications :

Réponse :

2) a. more dangerous than

b. easier than

c. darker than

d.worse than

e. slimmer than

f.more patient than

g. nicer than

3)a.Tom is younger than sarah.

   Sarah is older than Tom

b.Tom is shorter than Sarah

Sarah is taller than Tom

c. TOm is heavier than Sarah

Sarah is lighter than Tom

d. Tom is worse in english than Sarah

Sarah is better in english than Tom

Tom is better in maths than Sarah

Sarah is worse in maths than Tom

Explications : quand un adj a plus de 2 syllabe on met more+ l'adjectif+ than alors que quand il fait moins d'1 syllabe on ne rajoute que adj-ier+ than sauf quelques exceptions comme good (better) et bad (worse)