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les journalistes et la presse jouent un rôle important pour franchir les murs. Ils se servent des photos choquantes et de témoignages pour faire réagir et réfléchir les personnes.
Par exemple, lors de la chute du mur de Berlin, de nombreux témoignages ont été recueillis et diffusés au monde entier.​

Sagot :

Réponse :


Explications :

Journalists and the press play an important role in breaking through walls. They use shocking photos and testimonials to make people react and reflect.

For example, during the fall of the Berlin Wall, many testimonies were collected and disseminated to the whole world.


Journalists and the press play an important role in breaking through the walls. They use shocking photos and testimonials to make people react and reflect.

For example, during the fall of the Berlin Wall, numerous testimonies were collected and disseminated to the whole world.